Tony mills
About Me
About me
Tony Mills
I was born in Johannesburg on the 15th of October 1939. I was adopted by Dorothy and Scott Mills.
I was whisked away to England. We as a family finally moved to Rhodesia. As I have always been keen on Photography, I applied to the Rhodesia Herald as a cub reporter/ photographer. After being turned down numerous times, my persistency paid off and was finally taken on. At the time Kariba dam was being built and once the dam started filling, I was sent to cover Operation Noah, this has been of my career and remains so, to this day. 1961 saw the Belgium Congo flare up into Civil war. This was where I first met the flamboyant “Mad Mike Hoare’. I joined Mike Hoare’s “Wild Geese” and covered this conflict all the way through to Stanleyville massacre. By now I was a stringer for Associated Press and was also submitting material to “The London Illustrated News”
Finally, I decided to go back to my first love, wildlife photography. Short forays into the corporate world, never happy ones but it paid the bills, this is pretty much where I have been ever since. It has also allowed me to indulge in my other passion, art.
View my limited edition prints below.

Original art
limited edition prints
PREMIUM STUDIES Limited Edition 1 to 50 signed on Archival paper.
15% of the sales will be donated to the foundations administering the foundations.
the story behind
Thandi & Thembi

On the 3rd of March 2012, a cowardly attack was made on four rhinos in the Kariega reserve. This attack highlighted the blight of ongoing human greed.
“Thandi” was the sole survivor of this brutal poaching at the Kariega Reserve in the Eastern Cape.
Her plucky nature and incredible courage inspired not only the attending veterinarian, Dr William Foulds, his co-workers and the game wardens which were in attendance, but a huge following throughout the rest of the world.
On the 13th January, 2015 Thandi gave birth to a calf which was named Thembi, the isiXhosa word for Hope. Hope, who is just as feisty as her mother, is her constant companion and shadows her daily.
This picture is dedicated to all the surviving rhinos which roam our beautiful county.
Thandi, a rhino of hope and love. A rhino that united so many people by example, never giving up hope.
Her life was so nearly destroyed by human greed, yet was saved by selfless people from around the world.
You look at her face and see her scars then look into her eyes and see the passion, the desire to carry on living. So few rhino ever survive a poaching let alone produce her own calves. Thembi, her first born, meaning Hope in Xhosa, still walks alongside her mother and her now two other siblings giving us all hope that one day the world will become united and the senseless poaching will end.
Date of Thandi’s poaching 3rd March 2012
Thembi was born 13th January, 2015.
Angie Goody was Thandi’s carer and self-appointed fundraiser, here and abroad.
Dr William Fowlds, from Grahamstown was the attending veterinarian, who worked tirelessly to save Thandi.