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Trials and Tribulations of a redundant Photojournalist turned Artist.

There you have it. We are living in a changing world. The magazine industry is shot to ribbons, leaving so many freelancers cast adrift from earning their regular incomes and having to turn to other ways and means of making a living. This has applied to me too. So many of the magazines who fell by the wayside have had to either go the online route or close completely. Those who went the online route have retained the services of their original staffers as freelancers rather than employ others. Fortunately, freelancers are a versatile and innovative bunch by default, and bounce back into the fray wearing a different cap. In my case I am lucky enough to be fairly adept in art to be able to offer my services as a pet portrait artist and wildlife artis. The upside of this move is that I have ample reference material from my photojournalism days to be able to produce reasonably accurate renderings of wildlife. That said, I have bitten the bullet and have after much procrastination decided that it is high time to join the rest of the world and have a web page all my own. With this decided, after confronting the multitudes of “experts” who were going to put the said web page together for me all vanished into thin air, mumbling countless excuses as to why they could not do the job. The answer to this dilemma of course was to hire a professional. I found one in the form of Katherine of Hartley Digital, who have[i]seamlessly put together a web presence giving me not only e-commerce but a blog which will link me to the social media we have become so reliant on. Whilst on the subject of a blog, it is my intention to try and impart as much information on art methods and applications as possible to help or demystify things related to art or photography.

This picture is titled “will you love me in the morning?”


Tony Mills